[Photoshop] Editting Image by using Channal
This is the complete image
1. This is the original image. Click the image then
Ctrl+J. You may have new layer and selected layer will be copied.
2. Click the new layer
Edit -> Transform -> Flip Horizotal then move to the right. And then
Merge down (
Ctrl+E Making one layer by combining selected layer and below layer.)
3. By using
Hus/Saturation, make decrease by -100 at combined layer. (This step is for only appearing white and black color from Channel)
4. By using
Level(Ctrl+L), input levels (0, 0.67, 148). This makes more distinguish clearly between colors.
5. Click the layer which you changed Levels then Copy(Ctrl+C). Go back to Channel then Ctrl+V.
You may have Alpha 1 Channel.
6. In order to click the white parts, you need to reverse the image (
Ctrl+I) then click the bridge.
7. Return to the Alpha 1 Channel then
Ctrl+Click. Go to Layer and make gradation on the new layer.
8. As the last touch, you may painting with
Air Brush Tool and Controlling
Easy Stuff, isn't it?